You bought us a gift today
Dropping it at our feet as
I might drop a hat

My son picked you up
I picked up your prize
To take it somewhere
To recover
Or to die in peace

I went to check on it later
Your prize
Shallow breathing
Front legs not working
Petted it. Focused my energy on it
Offered love. Tried to heal it 
Saw curiosity in its eye
Told it not to be afraid

Then you were there, again
A ghostly silver shadow
Almond eyes glinting
Your prize
Sensing your return
Driven to live
At the very edge of life

I continued my efforts, thinking 
Somehow this moment mattered
More than other moments
As you stood
Noble as a statue 

Its eyes clouded
A decision made, somewhere
You stretched and casually walked over
As if to say “Okay son,
I’ll take it from here”

My turn to bear witness
My turn not to judge

I step back from you
From the dying
From the urge
To control the moment

You bite down, determinately
As I walk away
To the sound of crunching bones
And the sound of divinity
In all things