Thanks for visiting my site. It exits to share a little about myself and my work, and provide you with the opportunity to purchase books, songs and whatever else is available for purchase at the time. The content posted on this site is based on little more than my own observations, imaginings and experiences. In no way does any of the content on my site exist as advice or counsel to anyone.
The content published on this website (books, music, poems, digital downloads, images, texts, graphics, logos etc) is the property of Mark Sommerset (and other key contributors) and is protected by international copyright law. Except for the purposes of fair review, no content may be replicated, stored, transmitted, shared or otherwise used without prior written consent from Mark Sommerset.
Any information you provide will be used solely for the purpose of why you provided that information in the first place (such as fullfilment of orders, signing up on my email list etc). I will never share your information with any other party, other than essential services related to the delivery of products purchased through this site.
If you are on an email list of mine and no longer wish to receive emails from me you will be able to easily unsubscribe at any time.
That’s it really. Hope you enjoy your visit!