I waved a man, he waved me back
I smiled, he smiled, he pulled a phone
From out his pack, as I pulled mine
To check the time, sure not to miss
The lunch ahead and, perhaps,
A lover’s kiss

Looking up, I meet his stare
Intrigued to see a trace of doubt 
The look of lost lurking there
Behind those eyes, those kindly eyes
And my heart, once locked and overstocked
With shame and fear, swelled
With love and care

For this man in the window, prone
Fingering his phone
Drawing breath from depths unknown
Drawing breath to bring about … what?
An act of will to break a spell?
Or maybe just that smile out

Spinning round, making haste
Fingertips upon my lips, tracing smiles
Across my face, I wave farewell!
Adieu! Goodbye!
Cherishing my latest clue, as to who
That man in the window is
And why